Sunday, February 25, 2007

Duty, Honor, Country.

The Congressional Medal of Honor is the highest award that a person serving in our Military can receive. Most unfortunately, many that have received this honor have received it posthumously.

I read today, that President Bush will be bestowing the “Medal of Honor”, on Monday, to a Viet Nam Vet named Bruce P. Crandall Bruce is now 74 years old and is happy that he has not received this honor posthumously.

I spent 4 years of my life in the US Army during the Viet Nam War. I was no hero! In fact, I was the anti-hero (antagonist) in a chapter of a major 2005 non-fiction book about the small African country of Eritrea. All that was written about me in this book is true; therefore, I have no complaints. I have no regrets either!

I can recall a speech given by General Douglas MacArthur in 1960’s that mentioned; Duty, Honor, Country. These are important words which we should live by! It is too easy for us to forget the past and not honor those that have served our country well. Those that have given their lives to defend our well being.

I'm also reminded of the Shakespeare quote from Henry V. "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers"...."For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother". I am one of those "band of brothers" although I have never shed any blood while serving my country. I retain the common bonds with those that I have served with while in the military.

There are more than 200 Viet Nam War Vets that have received the Medal of Honor (contrary to popular belief; Forrest Gump/Tom Hanks is not one of them).

I was one of the fortunate individuals that served in the military in the mid and late 1960’s and did not to go to Viet Nam. I had High School friends that had died in Viet Nam. To my way of thinking this was for no perceptible reason. Some of them may have been heroes, I don’t really know. I don’t enjoy talking or thinking about dead friends.

Tomorrow when I see Mr. Crandall on the newscast, I will rise and give him a snappy salute, which he truly deserves. But I’ll be thinking of all the men and women who currently serve or have served our country in the military. I am sure that Bruce Crandall is thinking about them too.

The Beach Bum



Blogger alfredo_tomato said...

Do you have the citation? What did this soldier do?

Mon Feb 26, 12:43:00 AM  
Blogger Sarge Charlie said...

Thank you for your comments on bestest blog, and thank you for your service.

I am working on a post for tomorrow on Lt Col Crandall.

Mon Feb 26, 08:01:00 PM  
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