Getting Lucky

What you get for your $20, is a chance to win Twelve $1,000,000 prizes, Twenty-Five opportunities to win $100,000 and Two Hundred shots at $10,000.
The drawing was held on Saturday, December 29, 2007.
When I open the card, I chuckled and thanked them for the gift. The reason I laughed is that I viewed it as a wasted gift; I would have rather received a $15 bottle of Gin or Vodka.

To be a winning gambler you must be lucky. I am not a lucky person. Even with gambling games that require skill, there is a luck factor involved. Let me reiterate, I am not a lucky person, therefore I do not gamble.
I never play the Florida State Lotto. Why? I am not lucky! I don’t by raffle tickets. Why? I am not lucky!
Playing the Lotto is for fools and as a friend once told me “the State Lotteries are a fool’s IRA plan”. I’ve seen people spend twenty to one hundred dollars on a weekly basis, for Lotto tickets, wishing to win the millions of dollars. They look at their losing tickets and say “probably some tourist or a snow bird won the big bucks.” Like me, they are not lucky, but still haven’t realized that fact. You must be lucky to win; believe it or not there is absolutely no skill involved in Lotto. It’s all luck! And I am not lucky!
So today, on a whim, I checked the Florida State Lottery site to check my Raffle Ticket number. I did this with no hopes or aspirations of winning.
Unsurprisingly I didn’t win; I didn't get lucky!
Happy New Year
The Beach Bum