Femmes Fatales
This guy does not need a psychiatric evaluation. Anyone who would claim to be Dick Cheney, including Dick Cheney, is obliviously insane and should go directly to a mental ward.
“He later admitted he wasn't Cheney but said he was actually "Charlie's Angels" star Jaclyn Smith, police said that he also claimed to be the husband of Paris Hilton's sister.” Is this guy “Loony Tunes” or what? First he’s the Vice President and now he is in a lesbian relationship with Nikki Hilton.
I can see wanting to be Jaclyn Smith, she is still gorgeous for an older woman and has tons of bucks. But being married to Nikki Hilton is a scary thought. Not that she is unattractive, but for God’s sake; she is Paris Hilton’s sister. She is a member of the Hilton family. The entire Hilton family is a little out of kilter. I blame this all on Liz Taylor, whose first husband was Conrad "Nicky" Hilton.

When I was young I never had a crush on Liz. My boyhood crush was on Marilyn Monroe. At age fourteen I went to see her in “Some Like it Hot” ten times in two weeks. I still have newspaper clippings from the day after she died in 1962. That's a big crush.

Then there was Clark Gable. I liked Clark; he, like John Wayne, always played those real he-man roles but still could show a more tender side. Women loved him and men admired him. Marilyn not only drove him crazy, she gave him a heart attack.
One of my favorite American Author’s (Playwright) Arthur Miller went crazy because of Marilyn. If you have ever seen or read “After the Fall” you’ll know what I am speaking about.
Last, but not least, was Marilyn’s relationship John F. Kennedy. His affair with her could have cost him re-election. Everyone loved Jackie Kennedy. He would have been doomed if the public found out about his relationship with Marilyn. Is this crazy or what?
Unfortunately he didn’t live to see the possibility of his re-election. I admired JFK. Years later when I found out about his relationship with Marilyn Monroe, I thought “way to go Johnny”.
I’m glad that I was too young to get involved with either Marilyn or Liz. I would probably be crazier than I am today. I might even be that guy in the psychiatric ward in Connecticut, or worst yet possibly dead.
The Beach Bum
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